Monday, May 9, 2011

RECAP: May 7th TT/Inspiration

This day could not have been any nicer, sunny skies temps in the high 70's and absolutely no wind.  It's what I would consider perfect riding weather.  We had a small group of 6 of us which worked out really well for our TT  as we were able to get through every one quickly.  Following our TT we rode Inspiration.
Our journey started off by riding to the top of the CC dam and then instead of riding through the park we rode straight down Jordan.  Crossing Arapahoe we meandered our way to the Meridian where we rode to reconnaissance laps so we could get an idea of the terrain and plan our particular sprint.  
Mike started things off with the best time of the day with the rest of us falling behind. Place and times are listed below.  I have to say it was a lot of fun and some thing very different from what we've ever done before.  I'm not sure if it was the hard effort that we put in or that there was a tree that was blooming and there was a lot of pollen in the air but after our lap we were all hacking and coughing.  
We left the Meridian and headed east on the 470 trail and stopped off for our break at the gas station on the corner of Parker & Cottonwood.  Continuing on to Inspiration we enjoyed the nice climb and rollers that followed.  Riding back down Jordan we hooked up with a guy on a TT bike so we rode his wheel for awhile and then took turns leading as we made our way through the CC park.  The wind did pick up a little bit but overall it was a great day and some fun riding.  

1st Mike 5:34:2
2nd Chris 5:42:3
3rd Ben 5:44:2
4th Ken 5:50:9
5th Tom 5:51:5
6th Eric 5:55:2

Stay tuned...
Check out ride stats here:

1 comment:

  1. Does the "Triangle of Death" ride start from the BV parking lot? at 9am? What is the route? Sounds GREAT!
